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What Ya'll Up To?

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EvianBaby | 07:31 Mon 06th May 2013 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
I desperately need some new work clothes but the thought of Milton Keynes today just isn't doing it for me. If I don't go today my only other chance is next Saturday, two days before the new job and I can guarantee I won't find anything.

But it's so sunny I just want to sit in my garden and drink tea.

Plus there was a small mishap with some tinted moisturiser yesterday and I'm now sporting a nice orange tribal looking smear across my bloody forehead.

Anyone doing anything fun?


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Bloody hell cazzz, what music were they playing ?.
reggae, drum and bass and some rap, the kind of bass lines that vibrate the whole house
Right, I get the picture cazzz, not good.
4am! I'd be bashing a bassline of me own on his front door!
cazz, I used to have neighbours like that (they had 5 kids, all with their own stereos & mixing decks). They were all on the dole and very late risers. I am an early riser so on a morning I would have radio 3 on full belt and if I was feeling particularly sadistic I would get middle Junior O to practice her violin and I would hoover in the bedrooms.
I think we will be sorting and packing and making trips to our storage unit in readiness for the big move to Wales, I cant believe we have so much junk!!

We still havent worked out how we are going to get everything and everybody up there along with 4 dogs 23 chickens and 7 rabbits!!

A logistical nightmare, we are looking into buying a camper van, that will help!!
At the moment, I am sitting in the garden drinking coffee. Then I shall supervise Mr BM whilst he put in my two new raised veg beds. I might do a bit of pricking out as well.
have to buy a new clothes line, how exciting. x
I'm working at 11.00 till 5.00.
I am doing very little today, I will definitely not be going to Milton Keynes shopping centre, it will be packed today.
I'm supposed to be getting ready to go to Godstone Farm today, but I'm nowhere near!
I have the night off, so it's a few drinkies, a kip or two and try to get past the level in candy crush that I have been stuck on for a month. I know how to live life to the full!
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I was a bit too eager, it's not open until 11. I've been nursing a bacon sarnie for 40 mins. Oh well, I'll beat the crowds.

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