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wimp | 11:01 Mon 06th May 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I was asking last week did anyone hear the cuckoo yet as i never heard it. Glad to let you know that it has arrived with all it's relatives and can be heard in stereo!Speaking to other people and they seem to be all over the north highlands now!


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That's wonderful Wimp! Be a sad day if we lost them wouldn't it? x
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Yes gness! great to hear them first thing in the morning.Dont know much about birds but do appreciate them and love to hear them singing and the cuckoo to me is a special we dont want to lose!x
Not an expert myself by any means...just a life long passion but I am lucky enough to have a daughter and two great friends who can tell what any bird is in an instant and are happy for me to tag along gleaning information...x
Here you go, have a listen.'re a love! Just second coating the shed...join me? x
What colour is it gness ? this sounds dangerous lol.
Black of course Tony...but I hear Paul Temple in there now so I shall take my coffee and enjoy....xx
Of course gness, there was no need to ask really was there Black.

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