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Bl@@dy Bbqs

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TheOtherHalf | 09:46 Tue 07th May 2013 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Fantastic weather here all day yesterday. Id hung my washing out before going to work about 7am. Arrived home about 4.30. Washing lovely and dry but as it was still nice thought I would leave it out whilst I got tea ready. Half hour later BBQ smoke from next garden, so bad it was like thick fog. They could see my washing on the line. You think they would have had the decency to warn me, so I could bring it in !!


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Whilst I sympathise with you, I would not want to run around to the neighbours everytime I decide to have a bbq.
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The previous neighbours used to warn me if they were having one. These new neighbours are a young couple who dont speak unless spoken to, so not very neighbourly.
I would never dream of being so inconsiderate as to have a BBQ knowing it would make my neighbours washing stink, it takes 2 minutes to let them know and possibly save your neighbours a lot of work having re-wash everything.
We often use the bbq, and always knock next door if they have washing out... only takes a minute.
You say young couple? Perhaps they hadn't thought about it.
Hate the bl**dy things, Smell, smoke, and half cooked food, burnt on the outside and raw in the middle.
Love a picnic or tea in the garden, but cooked properly in the oven.
And yes I agree, the decent thing to do would have been to give you a knock and tell you they were about to light it.
I came back from a day out many years ago to find my washing had all disappeared, my lovely neighbour had taken it all in and folded it for me because they were having a barbie.
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What lovely neighbours you have Sparkles. I used to have neighbours like that too. I wasnt the only one dashing to fetch washing in and if I could see them, Im sure they could too, but they didnt seem to care. They have 2 yound children so have washing out themselves most days so you would think they would realise what it would be like to happen to them wouldnt you.
I hate BBQs too. I dont know how folk can stand amongst all that smoke and smell. Worse than being amongst smokers IMO. I wonder if its as bad for you
Salad Bowls - when the winds blowing in their direction TOH, repay the compliment, see how they like it
I did not put salad bowls i put t osspots
Years ago I came home and was about to sound off because I thought someone had nicked my line of washing and it turned out my neighbour had taken it in for me before he had a bonfire. They've moved and I no longer have considerate neighbours.
I think BBQ's are over rated - its just burnt food covered in flies
My neighbours are the type to wait until I put washing out to light their BBQ.
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I think they are over rated too. I would never eat anything from one. I cant understand the love of them by some folk. Id much rather cook in the oven then eat outside as Sparkles says. Salad Bowls, Welshy, Ha ha. Dont know why but it reminded of the M & M ad "get in the bowl", reply"You get in the bowl". I chuckle everytime I see it
Mine too Daffy - they think it's funny/hilarious/a giggle. I am formulating a cunning plan................................
I must admit I like a good BBQ if done properly, but I think it only right to either invite, or warn your neighbour, especially if there is washing out. Good manners, surely?

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