our grandson wanted a nerf gun for his birthday which we bought for him but it needed 6 batteries at £4 25 for 2 ,i find this really annoying why can't toy makers realise how upset kiddies get when the batteries run out and parents can't always replace them .
just checked the last lot I bought, a 6 pack of C, powercell superheavy duty, suitable for torches, motorised toys etc.
But can't find out if they are alkaline or zinc though.
I wondered what a nerf gun was. I think buying cheaper batteries is false economy. I always buy the rechargable ones especially for our bikes in winter as they dont last long at all before needing re charging again
its a gun that fires spongy bullets there are loads of different designs it's great fun shooting at plastic bottles etc and you can buy a vest to wear that the bullets stick to if you're playing army games .