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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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Mamyalynne | 23:08 Wed 08th May 2013 | ChatterBank
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Was listening to this earlier on today, thought I'd like to share
At the time my sons favourite record,
Wow, nungate ... I just LOVE that !!

Does she have any CDs?
nite mamya

Thanks WD ... although I will check out HMV before I buy from Amazon.
JJ she has a few albums out there. I can'r really remember the titles but if you go onto youtube and type in Madeline Peyroux you'll find a treasure trove of her music. I love "Careless Love" and "Dance me to the end of time"
Been checking she has one album called would you believe "Careless Love" I had it but lost it when we moved. Oh and it's not Dance me till the end of time the song is actually called "Dance me to the end of Love" another favourite song of hers is called "A little bit" which I've added
I'm on to it, nungate.

How have I not heard her before???
She was around a fair bit about five or six years ago but not heard too much of her since - nice laid back sort of music don't you think?
Here is one of my favourite local singers (Sara Oschlag) singing at one of my favourite spots (outside The Sussex pub, opposite the Jack Wills shop on East Street)
oh pretty woman roy orbison
None too shabby JJ - she's very good. I enjoy street musicians but all we seem to get in Edinburgh are bagpipers, (except in August when there's a more varied selection around) which is fine but they do have the limitations. Maybe we should move to the south coast? After all I love the sea, and Sussex and you also have choccywoocydoodah! Perfect!
Thanks JJ; that does it for me

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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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