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Good Morning Everyone

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janbee | 05:07 Thu 09th May 2013 | ChatterBank
78 Answers
Morning all . Cold wind here in Sussex this morning. Hope you are all ok today? xx


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Take care Sweetcheeks xx

Dee, I remember my mum had one of those when I was about 3, I used to sit on the floor watching her feet and trying to catch the plate.
Morning all from a bright and sunny Cornwall - hey aren't we supposed to be in the middle of some massive hoolie hurricane swinging in from Ireland? A little breeze out there but not one that is going to blow all and sundry down. More weatherman hyperbole perhaps?
Morning DT xx

It's supposed to be clattering this morning, (according to last night's forecast) but just back from a pleasant walk to the shops.
I loikes it when they get it wrong in that direction.
Morning DT. The wind is somewhat stronger than that up here. Not an 'ooligan yet though! All well this morning? :-)
Yep boaty, battle prepared for today - actually got to get on the phone to a range of sugar-craft shops as to their perceptions of this company I am doing some work to become an instant expert on cakeboards!
Hope you get good feed-back on them DT x
Sounds like fun DT! :o}

Cakes. Can't be bad! :-)

I'm off to get ready to raid the shops when they open at 8, with a bit of luck back in time to do what I want to do outside before the gods persist upon one!
Have a happy day everyone.
well I am hoping that the story is persistent as I now have a pretty good perception of what has gone wrong with them. You can be surprised though.
Take care Boaty xx

Can it be sorted DT?
Daughter of my husband's best friend. My parents are going too, as she lived with them her last year at Cambridge University. Wedding is second Satrurday in June
well as long as they do what I am to suggest, yes - they have lost the personal contact in a business that values the face to face....and no marketing. I know already that they will go for an intense PR campaign (plenty of writing there) but its a sales force or (exclusive) agents that are needed for their trade business and therein lies a problem, I don't think that there is a Business Plan so one will have to be constructed to look at the validity of this. Other than that they are ready to roll out a retail web site (their first foray into the end market). It looks good but will need tweaking to bring home quality stories - and other things that will serve to differentiate them.
Is the marriage in the Uni then, Iluv?
oh brother DT, a mountain of work ahead.

Iluv, hope the weather is good for the wedding.
one of those things so I need to get on a retainer and share of the growth...
Morning all, brill. sunshine here in N/Kent,and quite a few people about already, what a contrast toyesterdays rain.
B'fast is on the way, then I really must do some work for a change.
Hope it's profitable for you and them DT :-) x

Morning Balders xx

I'd better wriggle, got things to do before I go out (again!)

Take care folks xxxx
time for me to be bouncing too....
good morning all. hope you are all well and have a good day

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