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And anyway, all that the text you have copy-pasted from the Tibet campaign's website says is that Tibet was independent, and is not anymore. Which is not something anyone would dispute.
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Much of my above post is taken from;
It is a statement of fact and not opinion and as such I didn't feel it needed statement of source, I could have put it in quotation marks, but as I have made additions that would have been clumsy and incorrect.
Yes. But all it says is that Tibet was independent, and now isn't. It also says that the Chinese government is a brutal one - which I have never denied.
There does seem to be little on Tibet's history before the occupation. On grounds of self-determination I'd rather China left Tibet. Even if they have brought prosperity, or at least improved conditions relative to 1959, that could be the base on which an independent Tibet could build. Or at least a Tibet that doesn't feel oppressed, in like manner to Kong Kong, as apparently the Dalai Lama is calling for.
Kong Kong??? Hong Kong. Obviously. Or King Kong. Or something.
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birdie, you are priceless, - may your shadow never grow smaller. :-)
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