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dave1948 | 07:05 Sat 18th May 2013 | Crosswords
14 Answers
Tried some of these last night without success

10a Bob's companion's run out on northern river ? (5)

1d Chard Bishop's earing hat not a topper to review clerical dress (8
Bearskin ?

13a The kingdom's united in pilgrimage being brought back (5)


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13a) Judah = U inside 'Hadj' reversed
1d) berretta

'beet' outside of R.R. + (h)at reversed
10) Weave?
Question Author
Thank you Bibblebub

Can I add one ?
9a Police turned around rest having sorted out the ne'er-do-well (7)
Wastrel - anagram rest in law reversed
WASTREL = 'law' reversed outside of anagram of 'rest'
Question Author
Thank you all .

Not sure about weave for 1o

River Wear without r+ =wea ve=companion
Any thoughts ?
10a.Weave( as in bob and weave in boxing)
Question Author
Thank you Danny K I saw the bob and weave bit but what about companion is that ve ?
Weave- companion word to bob
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Thank you Danny K
River Weaver without the R, Dave.
10A It's the River Weaver - not the Wear Dave - less the 'R'

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