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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:12 Sat 18th May 2013 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
Saturday. The sky is nice and clear. It would be good if it stayed that way, I have a 5 hour charter today. It would be nice if it was all in sunshine. Too much to hope for?

Have a happy day everyone.


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Trust that you are spared the sea-mist, Lady J, as it's beautiful up here.
Good morning all from Edinburgh....just woke up......that's a lie in for me !! Pouring with rain as predicted...bit strange to have sunburn in the rain ! Not up to much today giving myself the day off to catch up on reading etc...
Morning all. Happy weekend.
Morning all dull and overcasthere in Leicestershire. Was hoping to make a start on the jungle grass today armed with a baseball bat god know what I will find there. Have a nice weekend all.
Morning all, sun just coming out in Dorset not sure how long it will last though. Plan to sand and varnish the garden bench. Best wishes to all for a great weekend.
good morning again. sorry i had to leave in a hurry but this much blessed machine just shut down of it's own accord.
Morning all.
A very good morning for me. I was woken at 06.20 with news that I had become a grandma for the 2nd time. Ella Grace weighing in at 7lbs 10oz. :)))
Congrats Chrissa!
Many congrats chrissa, when are off to see the new arrival ?.
morning all x

and give the child some silver money chrissa
Thanks. We can't go until 3 this afternoon. I can't wait. There was great excitement when my first granddaughter was dropped off here, just after midnight.
Does granddaughter No 1 know that she has a new sister yet ?.
Oh yes tonyav. She's 4.
Ah yes chrissa, great excitement then, will she be going with you to see her new sister later ?.
that is wonderful chrissa. best wishes and congratulations to all concerned. beautiful. (( )) xxx
Thanks t and l-j. Roll on 3 o'clock.
Oh, yes tony. We're picking Daddy up at 2.30 who has been having a quick kip. Poor man, he's exhausted. :/
Won't be long now, chrissa.

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