The problem is when one actual person uses more than one name on here - eg I am Sherrardk but I could be (but I am not) using 'Taurus' and 'sky' as names also.
I'm with Sher. It bothers me more when someone has more than one name. I know that Ed and all the lovely Mods to their best to keep on top of it, but it just adds to my normal levels of confusion!
As Society says, I'd be wary that someone else could insult or offend under my user name.
Could they not just set up separate accounts on here?
I'd say that if the 3 of you just use the site for Q&A it doesn't matter but if you get more involved in chat, controversial stuff etc then it might be problem.
It would cause confusion with three people using one user-name we wouldn't know which of you asked a question or answered one. Your partner and your neice would have to register on Answerbank with a different e-mail address and password each expecially if they want to have an avatar each.
Interesting question. Comes down to trust I guess. I don't think I would like anyone else posting under my name, they might post something I never would (like "come on you tractors boys"*)