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So I Got This Bottle Of ...

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joggerjayne | 21:29 Wed 22nd May 2013 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Elysium ... that red, sweet, pudding wine.

I got it in Costco today.

I'm just enjoying a glass, with a bit of Roquefort.

Just saying.


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hiya JJ
Question Author
Psy ... I have this cheese.
Ah, of course, enjoy, I've got an ageing piece of Brie
You'll have nightmares eating cheese at this time !!!
Mojo ...:-)
Jayne - nah, it's a fine beer ...dobre piwo!
I like beer that says "Mocne" on it :-)
LOL AP. I hope it's not a school night.
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So how does one pronounce "Mocne" ?

Like ... mock nee ?
Jane, I am on the way round, on with the lingerie.....what a combination, a, Elysium, Roquefort (could be Fourme or Cashel) and then sex......
Dah - it's only two tins - I'll be fine.
an Elysium....typos galore!
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Crikey, DT ... !!!
DT, disgusted North Coast! maybe just jealous
I did mention the Cashel, sibs. I'll reserve that for you......actually, I would prefer mopping up a Bordeaux with the cheese and then a lovely Pav with a Tokaji or a nice Sauterne.........and then the sex.

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