I have a friend in Kuwait [of all places] who needs to compile a list of quintessentially British foods that you would really miss if you left these shores.
Preferably snack type foods but for obvious reasons... no pork [like the pork scratchings I stupidly suggested lol]
I don't eat a typical meat and two veg British diet and I'm not a slave to the teapot.
I really have given some thought to what I would miss and the only thing I can come up with is salt & vinegar crisps which if you persist you can find in most countries.
I think you can find most things anywhere nowadays if you look hard enough .
I saw a chap on the news recently who had opened a British food shop in Bulgaria and was doing a roaring trade .
But many years ago it wasn't so and when I was living abroad used to yearn for Heinz Beans ,salad cream and cream crackers .
Once on holiday in north America we went in a british shop selling all things british where curly wurlys were selling for 6 dollars each! oh and a box of gravy granules with 99p in big letters on the side was 10 dollars and single packets of prawn cocktail crisps 2 dollars
The three things I always have on my list when I go to the UK is tea , crunchies and jamaican ginger cake. At Christmas it is Christmas cake and mince pies.
If you don't like the fresh coffee in Kuwait, ask for 'Nescafe', they now what you want.
Marmite Nutella HP Sauce tomato ketchup sweet chili relish, jellies, oxos drinking chocolate - and two none edible items, shaving soap (not many men do - but!) and a good toothpaste, everything is drenched in sugar out there, pudding, cake and sweets with a lot using condensed milk, sugar and honey in one dish