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Calcium Carbonate

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collette62 | 17:54 Wed 15th May 2013 | Science
13 Answers
Best word used to describe calcium carbonate :

Just one has to be chosen


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It's a compound. Why are you getting others to do your homework? Don't know what year you are in - I'm hoping not year 11 and you are doing practise exam papers.
It's a compound. Two or more things combining to form a new substance having its own properties different to its components.
Unlike a mixture which retains the properties of its components
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For all those wondering these are just questions to help revise it does not matter if we get them wrong but need the correct answers if I need to revise!
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Thanks to everyone!!!
methyl, been wondering for a while since I saw the benzene ring avatar , are you a Chemist ? If so there are at least 2 of us on AB I am an LRIC . Qualified 1976.
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The answer is in the question and if you can not even see that, you need more than a bit of revision.
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?? But you know what I mean't....! :S
The trick is to understand WHY the answer is compound Colette.
If you do, you'll be fine.
Wouldn't it be better to learn what those 6 items are so you could come to a logical answer yourself? Without any research you should then have been able to eliminate atom, element and metal straightaway.
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I know....

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Calcium Carbonate

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