I have lots of photos in picasa but would like to put them into my pictures on my laptop, and delete picasa but I am not sure how to do it and am afraid I will lose them all, could anyone give me a simple step by step guide how I should go about it tia
some questions.???, do you only have a "laptop",if yes ,then the pictures must already be on the hard drive of you laptop or they would not be seen by picaso.
???? if you have another p/c,and the pictures are on there,you can just copy and paste from there to your laptop, of put them on to "usb " stick and transfer them from there to your laptop, hope this helps.
p/s, deleating picaso ( as you say) will not get rid of the pictures on ?? whatever drive they are on ok.
Your photos are not IN Picasa. Picasa just provides a catalogue of them. As knockavacca says, removing Picasa won't remove the pictures. You can still find the pictures using Windows Explorer - and the chance are that most of them are already in your "My Pictures" folder, or a folders within that folder.