The Guardian made a lot out of the fact that the EDL had their charity money refused, but it would have also been refused if it had been offered by Labour, Tory or Lib/Dems etc.
/// "It is the same for any political party, we do not allow political fundraising. As a charity, we are non-political." ///
It is amazing how many are still prepared to use this site to sling insults etc at the EDL, when I am prepared to state many do not know a thing about them, except what the politicians and the media have brain washed them into believing.
Personally all I know about the EDL is the fact that they are said to be against the rise of Islam into this country, that I agree with.
They have not personally done me any harm, no more than say any other robust football crowd might do.
They may start out to peacefully protest, but Far-Left parties refuse to let them, and this is were the trouble starts, a few hot heads in both camps cause the trouble.
Now we come to those that many on here are prepared to defend rather than the EDL, I refer to those who have mutilated, murdered and beheaded on our streets, not the EDL, those who have carried out bombings in which many have been killed on buses and tube, not the EDL. and those who are a constant threat to the security of this country, not the EDL.
So how can you *** off the EDL for their minor miss-deeds?
I know who I would rather have as my travelling companions, at least I know that the EDL members wouldn't blow me to pieces.
As regards why they wore balaclavas, not just because they are ashamed of their faces, but because of sheer repulsion shown towards them not only on here, but by their employers and the media, look what happened to those members when the press published their names and addresses.
No they are not allowed to wear balaclavas, but some of a certain faith are allowed to walk freely in society with their faces covered, and look what crimes some have committed taking the advantage of their identity being concealed?