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Some People Are Gits

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sherrardk | 18:59 Tue 28th May 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Some git has scratched all down the side of my car. They were obviously spineless wimps as they had to have three goes at it to cover the length of my car. The car was parked outside of the house, in a cul-de-sac with only five houses beyond ours so someone had to go out of their way to do it - bastards!


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Oh no...that's terrible..any idea who is responsible..?
Thats nasty stuff. People like that really pee me of, no need for it
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Himself thinks it could be anyone but I think it's personal. It's very quiet here, no gangs of kids roaming around and it's was too wet last night to be hanging around anyway.
Last week some brain dead cretin thought it would be a good idea to wrench off my rear windscreen wiper & aeriel...
Report it to the police, sherrard.....
I would like to know what pleasure people get out of doings things like this.
Nasty bastards, sherrardk, have you checked with the neighbors just in case one of them spotted something.
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There's some right weirdos around. Himself went to talk to the man across the street as he has a CCTV camera (so thought he might have got something) turned out to be a dummy. However, he used to have a real camera as he caught his neighbour drilling his drive and concreting nails into it (he still lives here).
As soon as that happened to my N.D.Neighbour I installed a CCTV, Just check to see IF one of your other neighbours have one Sherrardk, is there any other marks on the car? call the police as said.
I had someone do that to my Military Landrover that I had spent thousands of pounds on restoring every inch of, including a full respray.
sorry to hear that sherrard. what a useless lot. you have my sympathy.

someone knocked my car parking theirs and did quite a bit of damage to the rear bumper and off side wing. useless pr**ks.
I hate people who do that, it might be worth getting a camera, they are quite affordable now or a security light which is a good deterrent.

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