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work in south africa

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maxxx | 07:58 Wed 01st Feb 2006 | Jobs & Education
1 Answers
i want to go work in south afrca,im a scaffolder and welder by trade,i have been told there is little work available now for a white man or foreighner.....i would like to take a chance and make a move but would appreciate your views


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To obtain a work permit for South Africa you must already have a contract of employment with an employer in the country. The employer has to provide a copy of the contract together with documentary evidence that it was impossible to fill the vacancy from within South Africa. (This includes a copy of the advertisement which advertised the job in the South African national press, together with details of all the applicants for the post and a statement of the reason why none of the applications was accepted).

If, as you say, there aren't a large number of vacancies for your type of work, then it's extremely unlikely that you'll get a work permit.


Source: EGULATIONS%20FINAL_excl%20Annexure%20A.pdf


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