I believe we have a body, a soul and a spirit. When we leave this life our body and soul die but our spirit (energy I like to call it) continues... where? that I do not know...
What made me post this, for many years I was a UK HGV driver, I visited many Cities / Towns with Deliveries & seem to know exactly where I was going, & yet never been there before! Strange? or coincidence?
There is no life after death. I have no fear of death itself but I am a bit worried about the process of dying, I have been told by my consultant that I will probably be doped up on morphine 'to ease my breathing and pain', so hopefully I won't know much about it.
Yeah, often, but I understand karma!! Life after death oh yeah, I'm sure ive been here before, next time I'm coming back as a evil, money grabbing, vicious bugger because trying to be the nice guy gets you nowhere these days!!
I watched my Mother die but I've never felt her presence after her death.
I have had an experience that I cannot explain so do not discount 'ghosts'.
My Father told me (when I was a teenager), that when I was a toddle I got over excited and told him he'd gone the wrong way. Apparently it was a journey I had never made before and wouldn't have known the route, I was right in my assessment of his navigation though.......