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Giving A Tip To Hairdressers Etc?

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gina32 | 13:22 Sat 01st Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
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do you do this and why?


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Yes I do, cos I feel really mean otherwise. Unless I hate it, then I don't.
Yes but to the shampooist not the stylist. I don't know why except my mother taught me to!
Yes I do, both to the stylist and the girl who washes my hair and a bigger tip for better service.
I always give her a tip even though I only have a wet cut and leave the shop.
She does a very good cut and my hair is then so easy to blow dry when I'm home.
No, she comes to my house so it's my leccy, my shampoo/conditioner and I wash it myself.
That being said, she charges less for kids hair but when she cuts my daughters I give her full whack.
I have seen customers giving a tip to the owners of the salon (even those owning a chain of salons). You do not tip a proprietor. I also think it is unnecessary to tip at all, as in some places there are about three people (taking your coat, shampooing, removing excess moisture from hair) before the cutting beings. It is ridiculous. I think it should be abolished.
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I don't see why taxi drivers should be given a tip either.
I'd love the opportunity to tip the hairdresser.
I have always tipped the hairdresser until today. I went this morning and it was just the owner in the shop with no assistant. Business is too tight and they can't afford to employ anyone anymore. The cut was good but just a trim and really nothing very special. It cost £25 for wash, trim and blow dry which I thought was quite enough.
I tip the lass who shampoos, if I'm really pleased with the cut, then I'll tip the cutter.
Also, I tip a taxi driver, especially when they help to lug the shopping into their car and arriving, take it to my front door.

My FIL tips the guy who delivers his medication for some strange reason.
I don't tip anyone routinely these days, they are only doing the job they are paid to do.
i only tip if someone as earned it - and by that i mean going above and beyond what I am already paying them to do - ie, their job.

I cannot stand it when people 'hover' and delay with the change waiting for you to say 'keep it' or something, and I dislike how it is expected these days.

Tips started as 'a little extra' to reward someone for being extra helpful or kind - not just for merely doing the thing they are paid to do.

We can see clearly from the way america runs its restaurants the crappy situation tipping brings to people - staff being paid buttons and having to rely on tips for their income, expecting the customer - who has already paid once - to pay again - basically the owners get away with not paying their staff properly yet reap all the profits - they must be laughing their heads off that they are allowed to get away with it really

(and before anyone says the restaurants are dirt cheap because of it, they're not that cheap that it warrants not paying their staff)
Well.. I AM a hairdresser....and getting tips is very much appreciated!...I've been in the same salon for 15 years...and have regular clients.. some tip each time... some at christmas..some never do!..There are 4 stylists in the salon... the owner being one of them.. who also gets tips... obviously if the client is pleased. We've all being cutting hair since we left are qualified... experienced..and offer good advice...but we are all on minimum wage!!... so as I said tips are greatly appreciated...Mrs C x
It is not etiquette to tip the owner. It is rather demeaning and patronising.
Stargazer.. thats rubbish.... If I were pleased... with a service... be it hairdressing.. or whatever...I would tip... Owner/manager..or whoever... shows your appreciated!!!!!!
I tip everyone.I feel mean if I don't. It's something I have always done, not sure why though lol
Voddie.. I hear..jungle drums.. you've been a little under the weather... hope your feeling better... xxxx Mrs C x
Aww thank you crisper. xx

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