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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:32 Sun 02nd Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
98 Answers
Sunday. Not a cloud in the sky and Yer wee man on the idiot box has just said it's going be sunny all week. During the day anyway! :o}

I can live with that. :o}
Have a happy day everyone.


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Morning all on such a beautiful day. This is the first time I could get on since 0730 this morning. I assumed the site was down but obviously not for everyone else.
Prudie, I just been having the same problem, couldn't get on to the site at all!!
Hi Ratter, how odd
Beautiful here - was there a problem with AB earlier as I couldn't get in? - now down at one of my pubs for a coffee and the papers.....drawing this afternoon, lawns etc all cut yesterday....
Could be a regional thing, not being able to get on the site. Your all from down south aren't you ?.

Anyhoo, good morning all.
what's this, bigotry against AB Southerners then?????
LOL, no DT.
well that's the first sudoku done.....what's happening to you today, tony?
Not a lot, DT. Clean the car up a bit and give the lawn a shave I think.
that was done yesterday here......just a heap of soil to move to under the bushes - some 10 barrows worth...
that's the second sudoku done - I'll leave the crosswords for later....
10 barrows worth DT, got any Radox to put in your bath later ?.
Nope.....not too big a distance to get it under the bushes either.......its essentially a soil/compost that has formed over the winter from last year's leaves and crud down the drive
Could you not spread it around, the bushes, shrubs and plants ?.
that's what I intend to do, but some twenty five yards away....
Ah right then DT, more fun if you did it in the same way has they did in the 'Wooden Horse ' film.
lol, tony - any volunteers for the chain....?
Count me in, DT.

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