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Enter Your Question Title Herean Ab'er For Doctor Who

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albaqwerty | 14:42 Sun 02nd Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
just wondered if anyone would like to suggest an AB'er to play the part.

Can't have sqad, that's typecasting :-)

Well, where on earth would you put the daleks ibuprofen?


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Note to self .... stop trying to use phone on AB

oh yes

queenofmean even has the spare key
I nominate 'sqad' I'll be his assistant (Mmm! the mind boggles.)

I could manage a better west coast accent than that paisley person Tennant Alba...can I have a go You, Minty, and Sharon den Adel as my assistants ... ;0)
Only if I can play Dalek Caan. We are indistinguishable in looks, I kid you not......
Oi, pack it in. ^^^^^
Id let them have their own "sonic screwdrivers" Tony...they would n't have to fight over them .. ;0)
Yep, good idea, Slap.
Uniform as what the gorgeous Sharon is wearing in my new avatar.... ;0)
Yeah, nice uniform.
I wouldn't mind a cameo role just so I could give the Tardis a good clean...and I would soon have those Daleks gleaming with polish


i would have the perfect supporting role for you
Had to walk away....the thought of Mrs O polishing a daleks antennae....
Chuck is the only person I'd trust with a sonic screwdriver.

His assistant needs to be glamorous but feisty. JoggerJayne of course!
Who would you fancy for your assailant then, Chris ?

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