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Apologies To The Lie-In -King And Everyone Else That Looked For Me.

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cupid04 | 19:30 Sun 02nd Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
It wasn't a cd, it was a tape [lol!] The track is called A love until the end of time, sung by Placido Domingo and Maureen Mc. Govern. If someone would be so kind could they put it on mamyas post for me.

p.s Lie in-king . how could I have doubted you. As if you ever get one wrong!


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Don't bull him up too much or I won't play you the song.
Humble pie for tea, cupid!
I shall open the thread with it Cupid.
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the tape is called Domingo greatest love songs.
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please can I have it now on last nights? Grovel, grovel!
Cupid, naughty girl, doubting the Master
Oh! Had just loaded a new page with it ready, back to the drawing board - glad you found it.
Doh, I should have read the whole of this thread first, I could have teased her a while first lol.
maureen mcgovern died a good few years ago now, she did Torn Between Two Lovers and the theme to towering inferno if i remember rightly.

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