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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:15 Mon 03rd Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
90 Answers
Monday is here again. Still; it's going to be a sunny one here in Gloucestershire. I hope it is wherever you are too.

Have a happy day everyone.


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hang some old cd's off a trellis and that will scare them away - out of the sleeves of course as that makes them more effective.
I have to be getting into gear and going....
me too. byeeeee all.
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Morning all who have arrived since I went to do the windows. The washing is on the line too. The day is now mine, except getting the washing in later.
Morning world, but miffed to be up, UPS coming to get my laptop at some point this morning as a second attempt to repair it!!! Night shift tonight, I should be asleep. Gorgeous day, field at the back full of cattle and calfs, field at the front has four deer grazing at the top....lovely pastoral scene. Have a good Monday everybody. Now wonder if my personal sonic screwdrivers comment survived in Albas Dr Who thread.....;0)
Morning Slappy, lovely day here to, back to work for me today though.
Will have a look to see if it's still there !.

Morning all, just passing through, the sun is shining on N/Kent coast,
the dogs are worn out (for a while) and the coffee's brewed,
have a good day all
Hi ya Baldric, hows your arm doing ?.

Not too bad tony thanks, most of bruising and swelling now gone,
and doesn't seem to be suffering for not being in a proper cast
(don't want anyone saying 'told you so')

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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