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Good Morning Everybody.

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janbee | 05:13 Mon 03rd Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Cold start to the day here in Sussex. No doubt it'll warm up a bit as the day goes on. Supposed to be quite a good week weather wise. Hope you are all well? xx


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Morning jan xxx I was just about hit the 'Post' button when you popped up :o}

A bit cool here too, but the sun is on it's way.
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Hi boaty xx Looks like we're a double act this morning. Ignore my posting. We'll go with yours. xx
Morning Jan x...been up since 4am...watered garden in my Jim jams ...another nice day here , going into town with oh to get his birthday pressie..wants another train for his layout , so going to harbin hobbies in elm row....then back to plant up the goodies I bought yesterday at gardening Scotland ...
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hi minty.. sorry, but I just HAVE to say it... you have a garden in your jim jams?
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Minty, is Valvona and Crolla still in Elm Row? I used to LOVE their bread.
Morning minty. xxx I was going to clean the windows before the sun gets on them, but it's a tad too cool, so they can wait until this evening.
Good morning .Off for walk and get papers to select horses .Speculate to accumulate so to speak
Morning wee. Sounds like a good plan! :o}
Now I'm confused...are we using this one ?? Morning Boaty x.. again ! Morning wee x.....Jan..Yes & C still there..they now have a second place in the new build by Harvey nicks....the old bus station in st Andrew's has a large cafe bit ..but I prefer elm row..
Lol garden in my jimmies !!
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Yes minty, I like the Elm Row shop as well. All those lovely smells.
Just like Heaven 25/1 is' nt life grand

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Good Morning Everybody.

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