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Update Number X

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queenofmean | 18:37 Mon 03rd Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
....had another round of laser today. Blooming heck, had to rely on Nungate to help guide me around as it was so bright this afternoon and my eye was terribly sore. Its still very sore but its not as bad now the sun has gone down, still a bit swollen and red and watery but it will pass. Go back in September to see if this round has done the trick. Made a new friend though while I was there so it took my mind off it a little which was nice


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Aw bless you, take care ♥
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Thank You Neti :)
I hope it heals quickly for you, it is nice to make new friends.
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Same Marval, its stopped watering but its still sore and stuff, be fine in a few days :) She was lovely we got chatting when we were at reception and it went from there
That's me, today I was a faithful Guide dog! bow wow!

sh was being a bit of a wuss in actual fact, her doc wanted to treat both eyes, but she wasn't having it, but inthe end decided to let doc take a look, finally gave in and treatment was done - lasted seconds! She was all for having another appointment! My daughter, total wuss, you gotta love her really ...
glad it went well :-)

good evening queen

just be assured that what you are going through, is for your benefit in the long term

so, chin up - bear with it, and get well

all my best wishes
Hope you are OK now QoM, I'd be a bit of a wuss if anyone came near my eyes too.
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I understand fully that its for my benefit and I appreciate that my sight is irreplaceable. But after seeing what the dr had to say the last 2 made me think things were worse than what they really were.

I'm not too bad AYG - just things are a little fuzzy in my right eye - it got a fair bashing today The only time they actually come at your eyes is when they want to check the pressure, I started getting antsy with the 2nd eye coz the nurse was taking forever and I needed to blink and she was like don't blink
(oh dear, it was not meant to offend)
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You didn't offend me at all Excel (it takes a lot more than that)

I apologise, i'm still a little on the grizzly side from the weekend and I can't see properly at the moment please don't take it personally gives Excel a mahoosive cuddle
Hi queenie, hope you feel better soon, I think you are so brave. love and hugs. OXOXOX
available to hand hold tomorrow queenie. xx
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Thank you Sparkles :) I don't feel brave, I only did it because I value my eye sight more than anything in the world.

Aww bless Lady J but I'm ok tomorrow :) xx
I know how uncomfy it can be and how it is tender afterwards, I was there last Thursday....good news all done for.

Not so good news, come back in July for a twelve hour monitoring, pah.
Sorry, meant to say - well done !
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Thank you Mammya :) hope you are ok :)
Go with the flow, only choice really ♥
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You do, I think I would have 'flowed' better if I'd known sooner that I'd have to do this again. I don't think the huge wait helped but done and dusted for the time being and I can still see :) x

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