I use a courier firm for delivering parcels and once I have paid I have to print off the bar coded address label. The black ink on my printer won't work (despite a new cartridge) so I hit on the idea of changing the font colour. I saved the label to documents but I cannot work out how to change the font colour. It is an Adobe Acrobat document. Any suggestions please?
Hmmm, just a quick guess. Any chance of saving the document as a .doc in Word? You could then change the font colour in Word to either a very dark purple or dark brown and print from there.
Nowadays, modern printers with a dedicated black cartridge will not mix black from the colour cartridges.
Have you tried cleaning the black cartridge contacts with meths and the same with the printer contacts.
Alice, I (or rather my minion Mr O) has followed all the cleaning instructions but to no avail.
I don't know how to convert and Adobe Acrobat doc into a word doc.
By Adobe Acrobat document, I gather that it ends in ".pdf"?
You can import it into an image editor like Gimp and alter it from there. It's a bit long winded.
Best off popping it on a stick and finding a friend with a working printer.
I've done what Alice suggests and that worked. My black cartridge's empty and I recently had to scan and send a serious item...it came out in a fashionable green and yellow but I sent it anyway. It'll brighten their day.
Wyedyed, yes it does end in pdf.
The next part of your answer may as well have been in Swahili - I am a complete technophobe.
I am hunting for a memory stick as we speak. Thanks for that
on my computer if you have a pdf up you can click on file > save as and it gives you the option to save it as a Word doc. I haven't tried it so don't know how it works.
I would just add, that if you want to try something like this, then do it with a 'Copy' of the original file. So if it goes fubar you've still got the original.