My old office was in the middle of the country side so I was surrounded by trees, birds, the occasional cat and regularly had gliders whizzing over my head.
Now when I look out the window my view is the delightful grey concrete underside of the M40 and the only thing not so much whizzing around my head is a big blue blimp.
An C18 park laid out by Repton. Gosh how posh, m'dear!Not quite; I can't afford to replace the trees that have gone over the years ! But it is a very fine vista of white, snowy, cow parsley at present, for as far as I can see. As this includes what is laughably called my lawn, I don't think I'll be having anyone round for tea outside soon :)
My patio and then the pavement and road outside (I am at the front of the building). I have a good old nose at the people walking past and others attempting to park their cars which is worth a laugh sometimes.
We live fairly close to where the Red Arrows are based, we never have to go to an air show to see them as they practice their routines in the skies over us regularly. Wonderful sight.