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One Man No More

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weecalf | 13:28 Wed 05th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
So charles wants the man and his dog to no more mow the meadow .What next ?


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Goodness knows.
Dandelions and thistles, not to mention nettles, everywhere.
What? Explain please...

There is nothing wrong with a proper meadow, in fact I prefer them to over manicured gardens that have nothing to offer for our native wildlife.
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Charlie boy wants to protect the meadow so the old rhyme one man and his dog went to mow a meadow may become politically incorrect
What a great initiative, am all for it.
I don't see any proposal to ban the mowing of fields, but this involves setting aside special areas where meadow plants will be left to flourish.

Might work, or they might just get overgrown with weeds and brambles. 'tis Mother Nature's way, at least in my street.
When one man went to mow...( with his dog Spot: Woof!), he did so in an environmentally friendly way, not that he knew that. He used a scythe and mowed the field for hay. That meant he mowed at the end of Summer, when the grass was high. The wild flowers in a meadow had been up, flowered and seeded by then. We adopt something of that practice with 'protected verges' by our roadsides in this village, cutting them at certain stages to encourage the wild flowers according to their needs.

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