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Pretty Woman

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DaisyNonna | 22:26 Wed 05th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Just watched the film again. Yes, Richard Gere fanciable, but how come Hector Elizondo really appeals to me?


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Google him, Anne, like I did!
I'm with you canary on this one!
Not my type. Terence Stamp is more my kind of old man.
My mum likes him, especially in The Princess Diaries... I think he looks a bit like my dad. That's probably why she likes him eh! Lol!

He was fanciable in Chicago Hope (so were many of the characters - shame it finished so abruptly)
He's lovely. He sort of reminds me of the man I married, but the man I married has just a bit more hair (not a lot more!)
he is still quite attractive, twinkle in his eye...

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