The last 17 years of my working life was spent as a school caretaker in a primary school.
I had numerous days when I could not get into the classrooms to clean them after school because of the teachers who stayed behind marking the days work and preparing work for the following day.
Even then, more often than not, they would take home bags of work as well.
Most teachers were back at school early the next day, not to mention working in their classrooms during the school holidays clearing up previous terms work and getting ready for the new intake in the new term
During my term of employment I lost count of the folders I threw away when we had new curriculum come through for the teachers to learn, not to mention all the personal things which went on in their pupils' lives.
How some of those teachers managed 30 different pupils every day, I'll never know. I must admit I use to feel sore about them being paid twice as much as me, if not more, but I think they earn every penny.