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Bed I Think

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joggerjayne | 02:54 Sat 08th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
13 Answers


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not till youve had your head down the loo and emptied your guts
Jogger if your are jogging all day - definitely time for bet(d) - good night and enjoy a wonderful sleep - don't worry about me and my insomnia - hhahahh good night and god bless you.
awwww wow wow wow wow.........cramp
oh my god what is wrong with you tam
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oops ... sorry about this, ahem

Tam ... hope your cramp went away!!'re burning the candle !...take better care ..please !
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okay x
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I've just looked back at my (err) "thread"

It looks like I was home by about ten to three. I think that counts as an early night.

Yo, minty! x
any dodgy tonic water?

at least you'll be able to get to bed when you get to the BF's :-D
Remember to get off the plane when you get to Geneva or Zurich, otherwise you may find yourself flown to the M-East and into a harem.
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No, I was careful last night, Alba.

Yes seriously.

It's horrid having to fly when you feel queasy. If I'd woken up feeling ill, I would probably have blown him out.

As opposed to ...

No, actually, I'd better not say that, lol
Hmmmm.....too too much information !
lol JJ x
I wonder what could you mean!

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