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fruitsalad | 13:27 Sun 09th Jun 2013 | Health & Fitness
12 Answers
how many pillows is it best to sleep on, the last couple of months I have been waking up with a ache in my left shoulder/neck area


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I suspect as many as then keeps your spine straight at the neck. It'd depend on the depth of the pillows too. You can buy especially shaped ones that are supposed to be good for you.
However many you find comfortable I would imagine the answer to be.

I used to sleep on two but have found that as the arthritis in my neck has worsened I find one pillow more comfortable.
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I have been using two as I find one just a bit to low
Do you have other pillows in the house, on the spare bed perhaps?

Experiment with using a combination of pillows as they will probably have differing levels of plumpness you might find a solution.
I use a Tempur pillow which is made of Memory Foam. It is great for keeping your neck and spine straight but giving you support too. I love mine.,default,sc.html

They are pricey, but you can pick them up on EBay.
Chrissa... do they make your head hot?
Also depends on whether you sleep on back, side or (eek) front.
Memory foam pillows are an acquired taste - I hate them!!
Memory foam pillows and mattresses don't suit me as I find them to hot and the pillows have been too firm in my experience. You may be able to buy different firmness of pillow but as I favour natural materials I've never looked into it.
Ginger, why 'eek' with regard to sleeping on your front?
Lol, Eccles.

I've never found mine hot at all.
another vote for the tempur pillow, not just for the material but the shape.
I have both tempur 'shaped' and 'normal' pillows, I just pull them about until comfortable. Not had heat issues yet.

"Eek", for 'on front' presumably as either one is trying to breathe through the pillow/matress with a crushed nose, or having to twist one's head/neck around to an uncomfortable side position. Neither seems ideal.

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