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E-Petition To G8 Leaders

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chrisgel | 21:20 Sun 09th Jun 2013 | Society & Culture
7 Answers
The following is an extract from an e-petition to the leaders of the G8 countries which is on it's way to raising 1,000,000 signatures. I believe this is important. If you agree would you please take a few seconds to sign it yourself.

In days, governments will discuss whether to plug a gigantic $1 trillion per year corporate tax loophole - enough money to end poverty, put every child in school, and double green investment! Most governments want powerful multinationals to pay these taxes, but the US and Canada are on the fence. To get a deal, we need them to feel the pressure.
$1 trillion is more than every country combined spends on their military. It's bigger than the budgets of 176 nations. It's $1000 each for every family on the planet. And believe it or not, it's the amount that our largest corporations and wealthiest individuals evade each year in taxes.


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"it's the amount that our largest corporations and wealthiest individuals evade each year in taxes. "

is that legally or illegally ?
Question Author
It's the amount of tax that should be paid if they didn't find loopholes and dodges to avoid paying.
So yes at the moment it's legally and the petition is calling on government to close the loopholes etc.
The wiki page for AVAAZ
if you need more info.
Chrisgel, have signed petition :-)
Question Author
Thank you both.

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E-Petition To G8 Leaders

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