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Connemmara | 02:20 Fri 14th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
True to form - here I am typing at 3.11 in the early morning of Friday - read some of my book but no good - believe it or not I read about insomnia yesterday on the internet and there were extremely great revelations and I do have chronic insomnia.

I work so hard in the home cleaning, scrubbing mats, cleaning windows, washing ironing - know I am on my own - shopping etc. Was in Asda at 11.30 pm last night. In Lidl this am - I have been on the go in the hope of making myself tired to no avail.

I have a hospital appointment tomorrow or rather today - tg it is for 1.30 pm otherwise I couldn't make it early and have been up from about 8.30 or 9 this morning (Thursday). Really I am at the end of my tether as I can't do anything more.

Doctors are not interested in insomnia cos I do know there are more pressing illnesses that are worse than mine. No I don't mean mine is an illness but it is stopping me from functioning next day.

thanks anybody out there who is on tonight


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good morning, Connemmara

suffering from a bout of insomnia myself
it's ridiculous - i feel exhausted, but when i go to bed i just lie there tossing and turning
It's a bummer isn't it - but I don't have any answers I'm afraid.
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that is right - I call it "bed dread"!
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my two eyes are burning burning and I cant switch off - it can depress you - if my postings are distorted forgive me for I know not what I am doing or saying.
Besides housework do you do any other exercise?
missed you, Connemmara, as I was sound asleep... from 1.30 to 5.30...
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walk the dog ummm - but if my painful body would let me would love to get back to the gym - too cold and embarrassed with my big ass for swimming. Had a tiny dance in the living room yesterday with some music - mind you was a little dance.

I have to commend all those mothers who like myself (not a mother) do the above housework, rear children and go out to work - wonderful achievement for them.
Conn...swimming is great for you. No one will be looking at your bum. Drop your towel, run and jump in :-)
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lucky you jno - 4 hours - that was great. There is always something wrong with me - mum used to say "there's always an arse or an elbow wrong with you" how true she was.
I find that if I spend a lot of time on the computer in the evenings I can't get off to sleep for hours.
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haven't swam for years - and not a great swimmer either but I am going to have to do something for chreys sake.
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andres - maybe give that a go too cos have found I am using computer ie AB too much - for company and a bit of craic of course.
Conne...maybe you are trying to do too much
in your attempt to tire yourself out,and so end up overtired. Maybe find some more relaxing activities that will leave you calmer.

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