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Squares Problem

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gness | 17:09 Sat 15th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
I have ninety crocheted squares. The centre of each set of squares is a different blue...nine lime....nine pink and so on....using ten colours.
Can I work out how to make a nine square by ten square blanket without the same coloured centre being next to each other horizontally, vertically or diagonally.....or do I just open the wine and spend the evening faffing?

Thanks Gx


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which one's the Springtime one?
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That's it, Psyb..thank you and it's Trench not French.....x
Tilly, I did knit an aran sweater once but I was a very tight knitter and when I washed it it shrunk so much it went down about 8 sizes!
I knitted an Arran sweater as a commission for someone once, it took ages and I vowed I'd never do another one. However, I did make the kilt socks for nibble earlier in the year, I was very pleased with those.
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Top left, Tilly....mine has cream as the main and will have a wider border. x
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I have crocheted an Aran pattern for a poncho many years ago...lots of people asked about it and wanted one...not in a million years...x
That looks lovely, gness.
I had a crocheted poncho. It was orange and brown with tassels. Hideous but I loved it. Thought I was the bees knees.
Mmmmmm, I knew it, that Yilly is an hippy.
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All sorted and laid out on the floor to be crocheted together...looks good so thank you for the help....Gx
gness, if it's for the royal baby you have a month to go.
Question Author'tis for my daughter's best friend's baby...just been born so I need to crack on. Lots of orders for baby clothes. It's lovely that people are appreciating home made baby goodies again. x
Now for the wine !
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Hi Minty....and fizz when it's completed... ;-) x
I can't crochet at all but enjoy knitting. We were taught how to knit at school many moons ago. My sister was a dab hand at the crocheting, fascinating to watch.
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I was taught to knit by a lady from Islay so I knit in a strange way, Stock. Did you knit the obligatory tea cosy at school? x
We did gloves with fingers and socks.

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