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Life Doesn't Get Much Better!

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gness | 17:35 Sun 16th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
76 Answers
I have smashed up enough slabs to surround the two wildlife ponds I built and...believe it or not....I still have all my fingers and toes!
The sun is warm and shining....I am having wine, cheese and crackers and then I am going to start cementing the bits in place....I love playing with cement......feeling it squoosh through my fingers.....A ciggie would be nice...but heyho......Then I need another project. x


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Psyb's gone off to reconsider her invitation to me to visit her..:-(
We were hoping for July 5th but solicitors are dragging their feet, if not then it will be very soon after.
Solicitors dragging their feet RATTER, nothing unusual there then.
Ratter, are you getting some kune kune pigs?
I think we will get the kune kune pigs but not to start with, we got to get the animals in stages, we need to learn a lot of stuff first lol.
Have to wait until after the G8, don't think you'd be allowed into the country Gness, Tilly you're coming as well and then we go to Ratters, I want to see those dogs
Right, it's a date, Psybbo! A triumvirate.
A triumvirate.

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I love triumvirates....can I be Cleopatra? x
Got to go. Time for tea and tele. Nos da, as they say in Wales.
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Tony...a triumvirate is domination by three powerful people..fancy it? x
Oh gawd, I should have known better !.
tony, what have you got yourself into!?
mmmm whipping boy
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He may need help, Ratter... ;-) x
RATTER, your a big strong lad, I may need help here !.

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Life Doesn't Get Much Better!

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