I have land for my horses. I built a barn with stables for my horses with permission, i also have a menege with permission and a static caravan on site which we use for brews. What would i have to do to get permission to live in the static full time
This is one of those situations planners are particularly on the alert for as it's effectively rezoning agricultural land to habitation with the potential for gigantic profits.
Depending on where this is it's likely to vary from extremely difficult to nigh on impossible
i agree with the above post - to get residential permission when there isn't any already is very tricky - once you have permission, there's nothing to stop you selling the land to a devloper for a 500 house housing estate. And councils want to usually avoid that. However, there is nothing stopping you asking the council
It all depends on what the existing local plan for the place is. Is it in a village? Then it will depend on what your village boundaries are for planning purposes and, if you are within it, whether your site is within a conservation area or not; 'not' is easier. If your site is within green belt you can forget the idea unless you can persuade the planners that you need a farmhouse, it being unfeasible to run the farm from an existing building.