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Pleased With Myself Too...

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Bbbananas | 10:41 Thu 20th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
First swim since this whole cancer debacle - the most physical exercise I've done in 3 months.
Tremulous to begin with - had 'B' movie visions of an incisional hernia bursting through the many layers of fat and tissue ; enough to cause a mini-tsunami. Or of intestines bursting forth from the abdominal cavity and sending my fellow swimmers running... Ok, a tad dramatic maybe. :-)

But Abdo Intacto. Rewarded myself with bacon butty & mocha.

Next target: bicycle ride into town. Maybe next week, don't want to overdo it..


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Well done Salla. X You will need a nap this afternoon to get over it. Lol. X
Congratulations Bananas. Glad it all went too. Could kill a bacon butty myself!
Sorry meant to say all went well. Ignore the too!
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Meeting the parents this afternoon to plan their move into a new bungalow at the weekend (hurrah), then have Little Miss Sunshine tonight - so no afternoon nap but maybe an early cuddle night. :-)
Yours beats mine. Well done. I'm glad it went well. You must have been very nervous.
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Breast stroke was ok, the front crawl pulled a bit, so I went gently.

I must admit, the jacuzzi was a mistake - never thought about all the jigging and juddering around it does to the belly. Didn't stay in there long - the belly hasn't had so much juddering since that dodgy beef madras... !
Well done, Sal, glad to see you doing so well.

Glad its not robbed you of your humour Salla :-)
Great progress, gently does it - well done.
Well done Bbbananas. I admire your courage and determination,makes me feel guilty for moaning about silly aches and pains.
Good for you, onwards and upwards x
Good for you Salla.
I remember a friend of mine going for a bike ride shortly after he'd had a hindsight not a wise move.

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