Does it matter what the law says, the fact is if you have a driving licence it assumes that you are responsible to drive a vehicle. At some point in the highwway code this responsibility is discussed . Driving under the influence of any medication which alters your alertness or perseption is not responsible.
you can be prosecuted for driving under the influence of any drugs (including prescription) if they affect your alertness etc. That's why some meds carry a warning.
yes and unlike alcohol there is not safe limit any amount in your blood stream is a convictable crime... and there are now road side testing devises in use to check as well as the old fashioned blood test
The effects stay in your body for about 28 days so this could be a grey area.The police dont generally bother much with class c drugs (straight from the horses mouths so to speak).I think however a Dr would be able to tell if drugs had recently been taken - enlarged pupils for example and I daresay other tell tale signs.
Well said Toureman. .although I assume questons like this are posted to provoke dynamic answers....or at least I hope they are.....surely lennon1980 is not being serious/??
I only ask about is it legal or illeagl to drive when smoked cannabis as I am doing a course in drug and alcohol abuse and needed to answer that particular question!!!!!!! Sorry for any up set!!!!!!!