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mrs_overall | 14:38 Sun 23rd Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
65 Answers
A little bird (Irish and under 5ft tall) has been nagging me to put in an appearance and here I am. I'd like to report that I have been busy with Vogue cover shoots and international fashions shows but the truth is I have not been well. Anyway, I am here for the moment and need a full update on the gossip and who deserves their name entering in my book (looks in tonyav's direction)


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Hope it fits then, gness.
Right...need to get ready for a meeting I have every..errrrr...quarter.....
Nice to see you lovely lady......G x
I TOLD them you were at the Milan fashion show strutting your international super model stuff ! Missed you loads....xxxx
Lovely to see you mrs_o, so glad you're taking this lot in hand again. The last staples are polished and in a glass frame and I hope to add to the collection please clean off those strange brownish stains
Seriously I hope everything goes well for you xx
Welcome back Mrs O, you have been missed. Hope all goes well for you. x

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