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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:16 Mon 24th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
176 Answers
Monday again. The sun is coming up but will soon be hidden by the clouds. I don't think it will rain though.

For the first time in years I have nothing in the diary until Saturday. I'll lay a fiver it doesn't stay that way!

Have a happy day everyone.


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JJ is probably in recovery mode !!! Brighton footie manager got the old heave ho last night, she's maybe mourning..or celebrating ?
7th generation I believe he was DT.

Sweetcheeks, come and share my cushion. I came prepared this morning :-)

Sally's looking in need of warming up.
Morning WBM and all not read all the posts yet it is like reading a book lol but will read them when I have done the birds and seen to the lodger cat . Have a nice day all.
Morning Wendi xx

JJ was last active on 13th June, well, on here anyway!
Minty - I was wanting to ask if she knew any more about what was going on with Gus Poyet and if she was involved lol
Morning Wendi x..
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Morning wendi xxx :-)

Second load of washing ready to go on the line? Back in a tick or six.
Waves to WBM I am just going to hang out washing too.

Morning Alba AND MM
Time to be off - so until tomorrow.......................
Bye welshie xx
see you welshie.....
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Have a good'un mate.

The first load of washing is almost dry!
Time to get my jobs done before the wombles Wimble !....see you later xxx
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Have a happy day minty. xxxxx

I must make a move too.

Have a happy day everyone. :-)
Sorry for being a bit thick, but who is peeps?

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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