Urine Drug Testing in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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Urine Drug Testing

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siennaeva | 07:33 Thu 27th Jun 2013 | Food & Drink
7 Answers
What is Urine Drug Testing? How does it work?
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A sample of urine is tested for traces of drugs.

you're not taking the pee, are you?
You give a urine sample and they test it for drugs.
siennaeva sounds like an east european tennis player about to be thrown out of wimbledon
Ha. Good answer..ael!
Urine is tested to determine whether the person has certain drugs in their system. Is there anything that you are worried about showing up, sienna?
Why is this in food and drink?
Well, it was posted early this morning- maybe still under the influence of something?

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Urine Drug Testing

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