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No sherrardk, not just you.
Saw it earlier, in the paper i mean, not in the flesh, sadly! Gorgeous innit? In a totally OTT way!

Wonder if the owner will pay to get it back? Or just buy himself a new one? I'm going for the latter :-)
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That paint job wouldn't look quite the same on my Grand Voyager (my car is more like the Mystery Machine from Scooby Doo).
Where is Brompton Street? [link]. Brompton Road, perhaps, or Brompton (the area), but Brompton Street?

The young man may try diplomatic immunity plus saying that road tax is a levy which no embassy or diplomat pays. Not that his family couldn't afford the insurance for a 24 year-old with a Lamborghini, even if it is not insured for abroad already.

The car? A bit naff, paintwork or no; it's car for Arab princes.
When I was an 18 year old I coveted a De Tomasso Panterra (sp) Playboy had it as their centre fold.
Sorry. forgot the link. Media URL:
. Media URL:
If anyone can cock up a link I can. Sorry.
I now realise I was putting it in the wrong place.

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