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Those Prison Cells Are Nearer By The Day Rebekah And Andy !

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mikey4444 | 10:22 Fri 28th Jun 2013 | News
10 Answers

Roll on September...I can hardly wait !


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If you pay enough , counsel will argue anything. The submission ranked as one of the most absurd you could ever hear.
They seem to be admitting they listened to VoiceMail, but seem to be arguing that that wasn't an offence.

It should be fairly easy to establish if it is or not. Th fact that the appeal against prosecution failed clearly means that the legal opinion IS that it is an offence.

Could be a very short trial after that.

('Lord Chief Justice Lord Judge' - is that his name or just a random list of titles?)
We'll see if it pays to have friends in high places......
I'll lay odds that they get away with it:-(
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Not sure ludwig but I had a Dentist in the 60's that was called Mr Hell ! And my postman a few years ago was called Greg, Greg Stamp.
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I am not much of a betting man carrust but if I was, I would be putting down a huge sum of money to prove you wrong. These people are facing very, very serious charges, including one of the worst, conspiracy.

If Rebekah hadn't smirked so much, in slow motion, while hanging on to the Great Toad's arm, I might be more charitable.

All comes to he that waits, so it is said, although the waiting is driving me mad !
if they don't get away with it, it'll hardly be a punishment - I bet he'll get a few months at Ford, and end up having lunch with the governor in the black rabbit at arundel.
I sometimes think it a great pity that hard labour and bread and water diets were abolished in our prisons.
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I am tending to agree with you Sandy, but wouldn't a lot of sweaty hard work mess up Rebekah's hair ?

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Those Prison Cells Are Nearer By The Day Rebekah And Andy !

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