Gravatars in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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TheBaBas | 18:12 Sat 29th Jun 2013 | How it Works
9 Answers
Is there an idiot's guide on how to add an an image to my profile?

Thanks in advance
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Yes, but you haven't been a member long enough yet.
Here's Ed's Guide (you find it in Ed's Blog, under Articles) http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/AB-Editors-Blog/article/what-is-an-avatar/
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ah I see - thank you.
When you have the option to add one, go onto the editors blog on left hand side, in topics. Kind people gave me links there to put one on. And i am an idiot.
Thanks for the contradiction, everyone ;-)
OK Pixie, you're brilliant xx
Lol! Thanks psybbo;-)xx

come and console yourself on a fellow intellectual's shoulder
Thanks, excel (sniff!) x

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