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Imac Time Machine Full

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dunwerkin | 17:58 Sat 29th Jun 2013 | Technology
3 Answers
I recently installed Mountain Lion on my Mac and now Time Machine tells me it is full and can't do any more back ups. Apart from buying a new hard drive, does anyone have any ideas?


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in the time machine options, there should be one to delete the oldest backups if its because the disc is full. it may be though that you are in my position where i was backing up three computers to the same disc and there just wasnt room to do even one backup and yes, i had to get a bigger drive. Go through your computer(s) though and make sure that you are only backing up what is needed and not everything
How big is your computer hard drive and how big is the backup disk?

If you have a 1Tb Mac and a 500Gb backup disk, then it will eventually fill up.
Gromit, you can choose not to back up the actual programs and just back up stuff like docs and images which helps, and after the first back up, time machine only saves any changes...but yes, unless you do something different with big file size items like high res photos, the backup disc fills up quickly

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