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Driving Lesson #3

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queenofmean | 15:28 Sun 30th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
went really well considering I've been not driving for a month. Just went over the basics again, did some driving around town, some roundabout work, turns in the road (he told me I'm really good at going back and he hasn't seen much of this before) and went for a long drive out to the 2nd Village closest to us. Next week...Dual Carriage ways and Bay Parking


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Well done queenie, it'll be a breeze next week. Does going back mean reversing ?.
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Thanks Tony ;)

Yes it does. He didn't pick the best of roads to do the turn in the road on as it turned out to be a bit busy, but I coped well with everything that was thrown at me, Policemen on bikes and Ambulances and all
Policemen on bikes !, push bikes or motorbikes ?.
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Motorbikes - what if one of them was Sunny Dave! ;)
It's ok queenie, he isn't a cop.
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Lol that's ok :)

I asked dad about driving on a dual carriage way and his response 'be careful' doesn't exactly fill me with any more confidence
Dad is right though queenie, however I'm sure that you'll be just fine.
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I guess he is Tony, I don't really have an issue with them I've just never really been too keen to learn to drive on one
It will be good experience though, queenie. You'll have to drive on one at sometime or another when you've passed your test.

well done, queen

it would seem that you are well on your way to becoming a good driver

keep up the excellent learning
My instructor had me driving on a dual carriageway on my second lesson. Given that it was the A14 (which is effectively an extension of the M6 and carries thousands of container lorries heading to the countries largest port, Felixstowe), I think that he must have had a death wish!

Just a few hints for you:
1. When entering a dual carriageway from a slip road, it's really important to match your speed to that of the traffic in the near-side lane, sop that you can simply slip into a gap.
2. Even so, remember that other drivers aren't obliged to make space for you. 'Matching your speed' might, for example, mean doing 60mph but you still need to be able to stop at the end of the slip road if no gap appears!
3. (I know it's stating the obvious but . . . ) keep your distance from the vehicle in front at ALL times. When passing a slow moving lorry, for example, many drivers get right up behind it before pulling out, rather than pulling out at least 15 car lengths behind it (which good driving practice requires). Similarly, if a queue of overtaking traffic forms when you're in the outside lane, still keep well back from the vehicle in front of you. (For some strange reason, many drivers who would never 'tailgate' in the nearside lane seem to regard it as normal practice in the outside lane!)

Good luck!
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I know I do Tony, I've just heard strange experiences and stuff. I'm happy as a sand boy as a passenger! But if I want to get to Berwick and the likes I MUST and WILL manage.

Thank you Excel :) my offer of a spin still stands :)

Many thanks Buenchico I shall certainly take heed of your tips :)
Good luck, queenie.
Question Author
Thanks Tony :) lesson is at 12.15 for an hour if I'm not about say an hour or 2 after that it hasn't gone well LOL

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