Terrible situation, no help from medical people seems available, just a bit of support for the relatives. Doctors are pretty useless with this, and, i am afraid to say this, the only stopping point is normally when the person becomes ill and sick, then sobers for a while and promises not to drink again, until they feel better, then it starts again. there is a drug, called "antabuse/disulfram" which , if the patient is willing, will make them sick and ill if they drink any alcahol, and sometimes gives the respite needed for them to realise what they are doing when they drink, but, from experience the only stopping point is the person them selves wanting to lead a normal life. sometimes, this means they will be alcahol dependant, and need to drink every day, but it can be contained to just evenings and just enough to make them satisfied. difficult situation, and a horror to live with, but realise it is an illness, and seeking help from professionals, starting with your GP, may help, but there is no quick answer, they write letters, consult etc. and leave you to try your best to do the right thing and have all the worry. As for buying them the stuff, and not letting them drive the car, it's a catch 22. if they drive and get arreasted, they mat sober up, but if they drive and injure someone, then you will feel guilty. best to buy them the booze and hope they get sick. I know people will disagree, but those who have lived with it will understand.