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Zip file to document

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Jan1957 | 11:27 Thu 30th Jul 2009 | Computers
6 Answers
I have been sent an attachment to an email which when I download goes to a zip file and will then only let me print as a photo which I do not have the correct printer for yet. Can I save this as a document so that I can print it as normal. Sorry but I am not that good on the computer as self taught so if you can help I would appreciate it.


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cant u unzip it?

then save it as a photo?
The zip file will contain other files that have been compressed to a smaller size for sending via email. You need to unzip this file with free software such as this one.

You will need to select the Windows 32-bit version.

Once you have downloaded and got it installed you need to save the zip file to your hard drive, right click on zip file then select 'extract here' from the various options.
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How do I unzip it? I did say I'm a learner.
both XP and vista can open zip natively - no need for extra software

they both "see" the zip as a folder - so simply save the attachment to My documents ... and when you click it - it will show what's inside

if it's jpg - they don't compress - it's just a "box to keep them together - to extract ... just drag and drop into a "real" folder - or cut and paste
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Thank you for trying but haven't managed to do it. Think I must be doing something wrong. Have sent the email to my brother in law who knows what he is doing so he can sort out for me this evening.
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Zip file to document

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