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Sad News Indeed ..

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janzman | 12:47 Sun 07th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
...heres hoping for a full recovery


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yes it is very sad, a very nasty condition, but, I am sorry to say I read it with a little bit of sceptisism as the whole BBC thing has made me very suspicious of anyone employed there in the 70s and 80s, and unfortunately I very very cruelly, and i might add hopefully wrongly, thought it could potentially be a damage limitation exercise. My expectations and delusions about anyone in that era of entertainment has been tainted sadly.
Ok sqad. I still think the comment was a little insensitive.
That's a shame. I like Michael Parkinson - and I like his style of interviewing. He listens to the people he's talking to and actually appears to be interested in what they have to say. He is one of the few who doesn't appear to be up his own bottom. I wish him well.
Crikey Dot, you're even more cynical than me!
don't get me wrong, Parky was a star in my eyes if onlt for his interviews with John Wayne, Ali and Besty, but yes, cynical is probably an apt word at the moment.
Parkies best interview imo.

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Sad News Indeed ..

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